Marketing Communications Strategy

The project was part of the Purpose Driven Marketing course for Masters in Sustainable Fashion.


To produce a professional marketing strategy for a business including a Consumer Survey, Consumer Persona & Journey, and Communications Strategy consisting of marketing channels, and messaging. Follow the 6Cs of marketing while executing the project.

Students were asked to develop a business idea of their own and present the above accordingly.

The chosen business was a café integrated with a second-hand bookstore, plant nursery, and pet daycare named Petrichor.

A consumer survey was sent out to over 40 respondents, collecting vital information on the demographics and consumption habits. The survey had both qualitative and quantitative aspects to it, making it a mixed methods survey. The results were analyzed and integrated into a Consumer Persona and Journey pitch.

A detailed consumer persona was created using the data from the survey. The report included:

  • Profile

  • Story

  • Purchase behavior

  • Purchase triggers

  • Social media behavior

  • Passion points

  • Brands & influencers

  • Word of mouth and e-Word of mouth

The pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase experiences were detailed to identify pain points and opportunities (to better market the product/ service).

From all the data points a Communications Plan including messaging criteria and recommendations for social channels was produced.

Skills learned: Survey questions building, Mixed methods survey, Analysis, and curation of data, Development of a communications strategy, Practical implementation of the 6Cs Marketing Theory.


Legislation as Strategy for a Sustainable Fashion Industry


Business & Owned Media Marketing Strategy: Brovation